Generic Drugs Cost-effective & Better Alternative to Branded Drugs

These days the medicine shopping is getting more inclined towards online pharmacy 24 hours. The reasons are very obvious; the individuals can easily purchase medicines and be benefited by online medicine offers. These are the trusted pharmacies and  without any hustle, one can quickly get the delivery of online medicine with maximum discount offered at their doorsteps. The best advantage of online pharmacy India is that almost all the prescription products and OTC medicine order has offers, promo codes, discounts and flexible payment options. One can save up to 80% on the medical bills. Yeah, 80%! It is a huge discount to minimize the health care cost and burden on common man.

Have you ever wondered why is it so? Let us apprise you! 

The answer is "Generic Medicines." 
Yes, you heard it right, it may seem a bit conventional, but the generics have always been a great alternative to the branded medicines. They are accepted all over the globe, and they give you Big Savings along with the quality treatment! 

online medicine with maximum discount

Want to know how? Let's find out!

First things first, lets us get the facts: According to the Food and Drug Administration, generic drugs are identical, or bioequivalent to the branded (Innovator) drugs. They have a similar mechanism of action and clinical benefits. People are using generic medicines for a long time. It is easier these days to get the generic medication directly obtained online pharmacy 24 hrs.

The active ingredient in the generic medicines is the same as branded medicine. They have the same dosage form (tablet/capsule), quality, strength, stability, effectiveness, safety, route of administration (oral/topical) and performance characteristics. The generic drugs have similar therapeutic action to that of the branded drugs but typically sold at a low price. These are cost-effective drugs with similar quality as branded drugs. At present, generic drugs are a useful alternative for branded drugs. These medicines are manufactured in the GMP Certified manufacturing units.

Advantages of generic drugs 
  • Similar therapeutic action: Both branded and Generic drugs produce similar therapeutic effects. 
  • Lower Cost: The generic drugs may have 80% less cost as compared to the cost of branded medicines. Similar branded medicine can cost you twice or sometimes thrice the price of generic medicines.

Why are generic medicines cost-effective? 
Because the cost of research and development, as well as drug discovery, is not involved in the case of generic drugs. A very less amount is to be invested for the collection of pre-marketing data of Generic Medicines. They can rely on the clinical data submitted by the innovator's company for the safety and effectiveness of the medicine.

Quality of generic medicines 
The regulatory bodies keep continuous surveillance over generic medicines. The generics are manufactured in GMP certified units and tested in GLP accredited units. All the parameters are strictly evaluated like, identity, purity, quality, strength and potency. The bioavailability is the rate and extent of absorption of the drug in the bloodstream. If there is no significant difference between the bioavailability of the generic and branded drug, then it is considered bioequivalent.

Interesting facts about generics 
Globally accepted: Nearly 8 out of 10 prescriptions are for generic drugs in the US. The use of FDA approved generics saved $158 billion in 2010. Moreover, adverse drug effects are continuously reported for better safety purpose. 

The huge demand of Indian Generics: India is the third largest producer of generic drugs in the world. Indian Pharmaceutical industries supply over 40% of the demand for generics in the US. If others have the advantages, why shouldn't we have them too? 
Currently, 80% of anti-retroviral drugs are supplied globally by Indian Pharmaceutical Firms. 

But still, there is a lack of awareness regarding the importance of generic drugs. These days with advancements all over the world, it is easy to obtain generic medicines from online pharmacy stores. People can purchase online prescriptions with maximum discounts through online pharmacy 24 hrs.

Initiatives for supporting generics in India 
The government of India has also taken the initiative to support generic drugs. 
“According to the WHO3.2% of the Indian population will fall below the poverty line due to out-of-pocket spending of their income in medicines”

The reason behind these initiatives is that people should be able to afford the medicines as the Indian population (70%) lives in rural areas, and 32% of them are below the line of the poverty. It is challenging for them to afford branded drugs, which costs very high. 

Another reason to support generic medicines is to decrease the unethical practices of doctors who intentionally prescribe branded drugs instead of generic drugs. Even certain pharmacies are not interested in selling generic products due to less margin. 

For the benefit of the general Indian population, Dr Best Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd has come forward, and their online pharmacy India offers medicines up to 80% savings on your medical bills. Dr Best offers online medicine with maximum discount. It is an initiative with the noble intentions, Dr Best products are the quality medicines which are not compromised on the effectiveness, and they provide medicines to your doorsteps.

Dr Best Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd has WHO GMP/cGMP certified units for the manufacturing of medicinal products. They have almost all the classes of medicine available with them. They have a range of anti-diabetics, hypolipidemic drugs, antibiotics, analgesics, vitamins, cardiovascular medicines. All of them have online medicine offers, with which everyone can be benefited. So, go and avail the high-quality generic drugs and save 80% on your medical bills. 


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